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Release of version 4.5.4


In this version, several bugs are fixed and the performance of settings has been improved.

ImprovementLocally configured usernames and passwords can now be excluded from being overwritten by an MDM system. More information in this article
ImprovementAdditional log messages are written to better analyze errors on websites or in the network.
Bug FixThe configured keyboard behavior now works on all devices.
Bug FixScans now work even when the keyboard is disabled.

Release of version 4.5.1


A new setting Allow insecure connections has been added in this version. This is disabled by default. When enabled, insecure websites can also be opened. By default, an error message is displayed to the user if an attempt is made to open a website whose certificate is invalid or has expired.

In some cases, however, self-created certificates are used. These can be installed on the device, but if this is not possible, this new setting can be used so that the website can still be opened.

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Release of version 4.5.0


The focus of version 4.5.0 was to simplify the use of existing features, remove bugs and integrate feedback and requests from the last version.

To simplify logins in particular, many users of TheFlex already use a login via NFC chip. Introducing and establishing this NFC-based process is quite simple, but still requires external software and hardware. In the future, this should work in just a few minutes and exclusively with TheFlex. In preparation for these improvements, a tool has now been integrated into the settings with which any content can be written to and read from an NFC chip.

New featureNFC tool for writing and reading NFC chips directly in the app.
New featureDelete cookies when changing start page. More information
New featureClear cache when changing start page. More information
New featureThe screen can be locked if the connection is lost. More information
New featureLogs can be exported. More information
ImprovementSupport of wildcards in the URL for custom scripts.
ImprovementLink to the error solution for SSL error messages. In the event of certain errors, the user is directly shown the reason and solution for the problem.
ImprovementBehavior of the Android back button in the settings standardized.
ImprovementPagination in logs added. Speeds up the calling of the logs.
ImprovementSome unhelpful log messages have been removed, but other useful ones have been added.
Bug fixingError handling for SAML authentication adapted to avoid an endless loop.
Bug fixingCanceling when scanning the settings QR code no longer exits the settings.
Bug fixingNIMMSTA interface implemented more robustly.
Bug fixingFreeze in standby after 5 minutes has been fixed.
Bug fixingWith BasicAuth, pre-assigned credentials are only automatically transferred to the host of the start page.

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Release of version 4.4.0


With version 4.4.0, two major features were added: Custom Scripts and a Kiosk mode.

With the scripts, it is possible to define JavaScript, which is inserted into any websites and apps by the browser. This can be used to implement many functions, such as login via QR code and NFC as well as customizing old web applications or hiding unnecessary fields. Further details with examples of how these scripts can be used can be found in the instructions to Custom Scripts.

Kiosk mode can be used if no MDM is in use, which usually includes kiosk mode. More details can also be found in the instructions for kiosk mode.

New featureCustom Scripts to customize websites, enable login via NFC or login via QR code.
New featureKiosk mode to prevent users from navigating out of TheFlex Browser.
New featureYou can configure whether cookies should be saved or deleted after closing.
New featureYou can configure whether the device screen should remain switched on even when inactive.
ImprovementMore events are now written to the logs in order to better analyze errors.
ImprovementOptimizations in the connection to NIMMSTA have been added.
ImprovementIf websites or apps are not accessible or errors occur, the user is now shown more details.
ImprovementIncorrect settings are now handled better and errors are displayed to the user.
AdaptationSome descriptions and texts have been adapted to make them easier to understand.

Release of version 4.3.0


The focus of version 4.3.0 was to improve the user experience. This includes not only speeding up the use and setup of TheFlex, but also catching common errors with web pages and displaying better error messages.

Furthermore, the transition from the old to the new license codes has been completed. As of this version, only new license codes can be used.


If a license code was activated via the settings in version 4.2.x, the license page may appear again in this version.

In this case, the license code must be entered again.

All configurations with an MDM system are not affected.

ImprovementThe wizard at the beginning of the app has been shortened to improve user-friendliness.
ImprovementLicense screen in the app has been improved.
ImprovementThe user interfaces have been adapted for small screens.
New featureA button for quick pairing with backhandscanners has been added to the navbar.
New featureManaged App Config skips the welcome screen.
Bug fixingA problem with duplicate permission requestss in combination with SOTI has been fixed.
Bug fixingA bug where the license info in the settings differed from the details has been fixed.
Bug fixingA bug where the error message 408 occurred sporadically has been fixed.
Bug fixingA bug where the keyboard control for numeric keyboards was corrected (use of Enter instead of Tab).
Bug fixingA bug where the links were opened incorrectly has been fixed.
Bug fixingA bug where the SmartCard was active by default in the settings has been fixed.

Release of version 4.2.0


In this release, several features have been added that simplify the operation. In particular, the display of errors has been improved so that it is quicker and easier to identify why web pages or apps are not loading.

Another important point is the change in licensing. The new form of the license codes contains additional information, which means that warnings are also displayed within the app when the licensing period is coming to an end. Thus, the current license can no longer suddenly expire.

New featureNew loading animation has been implemented. This makes it obvious to the user that the browser is loading.
New featureSupport for new license keys with expiration warning.
New featureKeyboard behavior can be set between standard, disabled and show via touch.
New featureNew error message page that returns the specific HTTP or SSL error to the user.
New featureAdded button for back of hand scanner in the toolbar.
ImprovementPermission dialog for files has been revised.
ImprovementOptimizations and compatibility for Android 13.
ImprovementThe Google Libraries have been updated.
ImprovementNavigation for SAP RFUI improved.
ImprovementBrowser User Agent has been customized "Mozilla/5.0 (Lin... TheFlex Browser" .
Bug fixingCamera Plugin: The correct orientation is now determined when taking photos.
Bug fixingLogging was implemented more robustly.

Release of version


In this release, the process of getting started with TheFlex Browser for the first time has been simplified. The wizard has been visually redesigned and shortened, the licensing has been simplified and the first startpage has been directly pre-populated.

The following table lists more details:

New featureHelp button with link to documentation has been added.
New featurehttps:// is automatically added to start pages if no protocol is specified.
ImprovementApp theme, colors and app name have been revised.The new app name is TheFlex Browser.
ImprovementLog4j has been removed for logging, Timber is used instead.This has no effect on what is written to the logs.
Bug fixingFixed a bug in the photo function.
Bug fixingError when connecting and disconnecting external hardware has been fixed. The app no longer restarts.

Release of version


Release of minor updates and new features.

New featureGPS Location implemented.
ImprovementAndroid 12+ compatibility.
ImprovementLogin detection for UI5 applications improved.

Release of version


Release of minor updates and new features.

New featureManaged App Config via MDMsThe "Managed App Config" allows the system administrator to set the configuration of an app from the Google Play Store directly in an MDM and roll it out to all desired devices.
New featureEnable/Disable Managed App Config

Release of version


Release of minor updates and new features.

New featureShare function when exporting the settings.
ImprovementSmartcard login can be deactivated.
Bug fixingDevice compatibility extended for devices without camera.