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DataWedge is a powerful application used on Zebra devices to process scanned information. In this article, you'll learn what DataWedge is, why you need it with TheFlex, and how to configure the key settings.

What is DataWedge?

DataWedge is a software solution specifically developed for Zebra mobile devices. It enables the capture and forwarding of data from various input devices such as barcode scanners, RFID readers, and magnetic stripe readers. The data can be sent to different applications without requiring these applications to be specially developed for hardware integration.

DataWedge Main Screen

Why do I need DataWedge with TheFlex?

When using TheFlex Browser on Zebra devices, DataWedge provides seamless integration for scanning and processing data directly into your web applications. With DataWedge, you can:

  • Seamless Data Integration: Insert scanned data directly into web forms or databases opened in TheFlex Browser.
  • Cross-device Consistency: Apply uniform configurations and settings across different Zebra devices.
  • Flexibility and Customization: Configure DataWedge to optimally meet the specific requirements of your application.

Key Settings in DataWedge

To make the most of DataWedge, there are some essential settings you should consider. Here are the key steps for configuration:


When using TheFlex Browser, remember to maintain the launcher profile since TheFlex acts as a launcher. This ensures that your device is set up correctly and that DataWedge operates seamlessly with TheFlex, providing a consistent user experience and simplifying device management.

Create a Profile

  1. Open DataWedge on your Zebra device.
  2. Create a new profile by clicking the plus sign (+) or 3 the menu and entering a name for the profile.
  3. Select the newly created profile to configure it.

Create Profile

Configure Input Devices

  1. Navigate to "Input Devices" within the profile and add the desired scanner or reader.
  2. Select the scanner and configure the relevant settings, such as scan modes and decoding options.

Configure Input Devices

Configure Output

  1. Go to "Output" and choose the output method you want to use, e.g., Keystroke Output or Intent Output.
  2. Configure the output to meet the needs of your application. When using TheFlex Browser, Keystroke Output is often the simplest way to use scanned data directly in web forms.

Configure Output

Advanced Configurations

  1. Under "Advanced Settings," you can make further adjustments such as adding prefixes/suffixes, changing data formats, or defining special actions upon scanning.
  2. Test the configuration to ensure all settings are correct and the scanned data is processed as expected.

Advanced Settings