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DataWedge is an application used on Zebra devices to process scanned information. This article explains what DataWedge is, why it is needed with TheFlex, and which configurations should be applied.

What is DataWedge?

DataWedge is a software solution specifically developed for Zebra mobile devices. It enables the capture and forwarding of data from various input devices such as barcode scanners, RFID readers, and magnetic stripe readers. The data can be sent to various applications without requiring them to be specifically developed for hardware integration.

Why do I need DataWedge with TheFlex?

When using TheFlex Browser on Zebra devices, DataWedge offers seamless integration for scanning and processing data directly into all web applications:

  • Seamless Data Integration: Scanned information is directly inserted into web forms opened in TheFlex Browser.
  • Cross-Device Consistency: Uniform configurations and settings are applied across different Zebra devices.
  • Flexibility and Customization: DataWedge can be configured to optimally match the specific requirements of the application and the available barcodes.

Key Settings in DataWedge

To fully utilize DataWedge, some essential settings need to be configured. Here are the most important steps for configuration:


It is crucial to maintain the launcher profile, as TheFlex functions as a launcher. This ensures that scanned information is correctly transferred by DataWedge to the web application via TheFlex Browser.

Enable Launcher Profile

To ensure scanning works in TheFlex, the launcher profile must be maintained.

Select launcher profile

Of course, it must also be activated:

Activate launcher profile

TheFlex can now be linked with this launcher profile. To do this, click the menu item Associated Apps:

Menu item: Associated Apps

Here, use the three menu dots (top right) to select New App/Activity:

Menu item: New App/Activity

The TheFlex Browser can now be selected using the application

Selecting TheFlex

In the next step, select "*" (asterisk):

Select all activities

Configure Launcher Profile

Once TheFlex is linked with the launcher profile, it can be configured. To do this, the Barcode Input should be enabled:

Enable scanner input

The Workflow Input should be disabled:

Disable workflow input

Similarly, the Voice Input should be disabled:

Disable voice input

The Intent output should be disabled to prevent the starting of the DWDemo app:

disabled teh Intent-outputs

The Keystroke output should be enabled:

Enable keystroke output

With these settings, TheFlex should work perfectly on Zebra devices. Please contact us if you encounter any issues.