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Backhand scanner

Currently only for Android

This plugin makes it possible to connect and communicate with additional screens (e.g. backhand scanner with screen). Details on the backhand scanners are described in the following articles:

JavaScript API

This plugin defines a global window.flxPairedDevice object that provides an API for rendering information on the connected screen. Although the object is attached to the window object, it is only available after the deviceeready event:

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

function onDeviceReady() {

Initializing the plugin

The flxPairedDevice.init function initializes the background class depending on the selected additional screen manufacturer.


Connect to backhand scanner

The flxPairedDevice.connect function initiates the device connection process. By default, a QR code from the selected manufacturer is displayed here, which can then be scanned to establish the connection.


Disconnecting the backhand scanner

The flxPairedDevice.disconnect function disconnects the current device.


Display information on a backhand scanner

The flxPairedDevice.setDisplay function transmits data to the backhand scanner so that information can be displayed there or actions can be triggered. To do this, a details object must be passed that contains the relevant data.

This data is based on the Templates of the manufacturer of the backhand scanner. More information about these templates can also be found directly from the manufacturers, such as ProGlove.

The following information must be present in the details object:

  • TEMPLATE: The template determines the layout to be displayed. The following templates are supported: PG1, PG1E, PG1C, PG2, PG3. The number indicates how many lines of labels and text are displayed. E marks the template as an error message while C is a success message. More detail below in the Templates section. (String)
  • DATA: The data to be displayed that is transferred to the device. Format of the transfer Line number;Label;Text Depending on the template used, several data are required here. (String)
  • DURATION: Specifies (in milliseconds) how long the notification should be displayed. A value of 0 represents a permanent screen. After a notification, it will return to the previous profile. (Number)
  • SOUND: Optional feedback (notification sound). E = error, S = success, I = information. More detail below in the User Feedback section. (String)
  • SEPARATOR: The separator that separates the records of DATA from each other. Default: ; (String)
  • REFRESH_TYPE: Controls the screen refresh strategy of the device. Default: DEFAULT (String)


//Three line template with 3 records (Label + Text)
DATA: "1;HU/storage unit;800000098;2;product;7894;3;from location;0020-01-01-A",

//Success message displayed for 2 seconds.
DATA: "1;Success;Correct Place",

//Two-line template and another separator and success feedback
DATA: "1/Storage Unit/R15/2/Destination/A7",

User Feedback

When transmitting information to the backhand scanner, feedback for the user can be given in the SOUND field. This makes it easier to use the device, as success or error messages are not only transmitted visually, but also as sound or haptic feedback.

S1Action successful.Flashing Green LEDs, Simple Sound and Vibration
I2Information / Next StepFlashing White LEDs, Dual Sound and Vibration
E3errorsFlashing Red LEDs, Triple Sound and Vibration


Templates are the different layouts of the screens of the devices. The following templates are supported on the backhand scanners.

PG1A label and a text. Ideal for simple items or short messages.Backhand Scanner Template PG1
PG1EAn error image and text output. Ideal for a short error message.Backhand Scanner Template PG1E
PG1CA success image and a text output. Ideal for a short success message.Backhand Scanner Template PG1C
PG2Two labels with text fields.Backhand Scanner Template PG2
PG3Three labels with text fields. Ideal for picking.Backhand Scanner Template PG3